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学生的亮点 和 Events


谢尔比诺曼 -荣誉学生 

威尼斯人在线的学生谢尔比·诺曼(谢尔比诺曼)是2023届“O”奖获得者.R. 密苏里州地质学家协会颁发的grwe奖, 这使她成为自2004年以来第九位获得该荣誉的威尼斯人在线学生.



Martina Pascuzzo -荣誉学生

With an internationally benchmarked student employment program to supplement the myriad profession-based experiences Northwest Missouri State University offers its students, 玛蒂娜·帕斯库佐利用这些机会为她的职业生涯做准备.


Read Martina's story

No Spring 2024 events posted at this time.

爆米花和教授 Jill Baker


Join the 荣誉项目 on the 9th of November to learn more about Northwest's faculty members & 他们的研究. What is their current project? What is 他们的研究 process? How did they get started in that field?


Experienced Senior Instructor 和 Elementary Education Coordinator with a strong academic background in MS. Ed. 中小学行政与理学士. Ed. Elementary 和 Special Education. Proficient in teaching a variety of courses, 如生态学和教育发展基础, Professional Learning Community 1, 实习的内容, 和 Literacy Practicum. Specializes in social justice education, innovative student 订婚 techniques, academic success for at-risk college students, 和 mental health support. Recognized by the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education for intervention work 和 actively engaged in research on improving 订婚 techniques in general education courses. Brings a wealth of professional experience, 包括小学教师的角色(K-8年级), Middle School Science Teacher (Grades 5-8), Elementary School Principal, 和 statewide staff developer


Tuesday, November 14th, 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm in Valk 129



当空气变得清爽,树叶为小镇涂上了充满活力的色彩, 是时候进入万圣节和秋天的精神了. Prepare to immerse yourself in the Halloween 和 autumn atmosphere as we gather for a pumpkin-painting extravaganza! 10月23日星期一,加入荣誉计划,让你的艺术才华闪耀.

🎃 在哪里? Valk 129
📅 当? Monday, October 23rd
🕕 Time? From 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm

但这还不是全部! Your creativity will also earn points for your Optional Social Engagement Badge, making this event fun 和 rewarding.



爆米花和教授 Luke


Join the 荣誉项目 on the 9th of November to learn more about Northwest's faculty members & 他们的研究. What is their current project? What is 他们的研究 process? How did they get started in that field?

Dr. 路加福音B Campbell, Associate Professor (Humanities & 社会科学)

现任政治学副教授. Dr. 路加福音B. 坎贝尔是一位有成就的学者,有着丰富的教育背景. 他拥有博士学位。.D. from the University of Kansas, an M.A. 从密苏里大学堪萨斯城分校获得学士学位.A. from William Jewell College. 作为一名教育者, he imparts knowledge in diverse courses such as "Introduction to American Government 和 Politics," "Introduction to Political Theory," 和 "Social Justice.他的学术研究涵盖了包括正义战争理论在内的有趣课题, International Ethics, 和 American Political Ideologies.

Campbell's scholarly contributions are noteworthy, 他出版的作品涵盖了广泛的领域. Notable publications include the co-authored paper "(Inter) National Ethics 和 the Politics of Memory,,刊登于 H和book on the Politics of Memory.


Tuesday, October 17th, 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm in Valk 129

Donuts with Director

Donuts with the Director

Get ready to be excited because next week marks the start of the semester's very first "Donuts with the Director" event! 耶!!

Here's why you should be thrilled to attend:

  • 你对这学期的课程、hca或经历有什么问题吗? We're here with the answers!
  • Get your detective skills ready because you might just solve a thrilling murder mystery while you're here.
  • 享受免费的甜甜圈,因为谁能抗拒那些甜食呢?


Date: Monday, September 18th
Time: 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm
地点:Valk 129 

你也将有机会见到威尼斯人在线的主任. 福特和该项目的研究生助理Sahithi. So, don't miss out—swing by 和 say hello!

这个活动承诺了一个令人兴奋的机会,深入到荣誉项目的世界, get your questions answered, 和 have a blast with free donuts !!!


Shatnel Farnan


Join the 荣誉项目 on the 14th of November, 2022年,以了解更多关于威尼斯人在线的教职员工 & 他们的研究. What is their current project? What is 他们的研究 process? How did they get started in that field?

Dr. Shantel Farnan, Assistant Professor (Education)

Shantel Farnan is an Associate Professor of Special Education at Northwest Missouri State University in Maryville, 担任所有特殊教育项目的项目协调员. Dr. 法尔南有26年的特殊教育教师经验, special education director, regional special education cooperative director, 和 as a university professor. Dr. Farnan has held offices in state 和 national organizations with a focus on special education, 包括教师教育科小组/核心小组联络员, 过去的椅子, 椅子, 以及小型特殊教育项目核心小组的通讯编辑, 以及密苏里州特殊教育管理委员会的董事会职位, 和 Missouri Council for Exceptional Children.  Dr. 法尔南的学术和研究兴趣是特殊教育领导, 协作, 订婚, diverse field experiences, 难语症, 反馈, virtual teaching 和 learning, 和 K-12 partnerships

Monday, November 14 | 4-5 p.m. | Valk 128


Game Night with the Director 

Join the 荣誉项目 Director Dr. 艾丽莎福特和G.A. Bre克劳福德!

  • Learn more about the program
  • Ask any questions you have
  • Play a few board games with members 
  • Eat some FREE donuts!

November 9, 2022 | 7pm | Valk 128 




Join the 荣誉项目 on the 14th of September, 2022年,以了解更多关于威尼斯人在线的教职员工 & 他们的研究. What is their current project? What is 他们的研究 process? How did they get started in that field?

Dr. 罗德·巴尔,高级讲师(农业科学)

杆巴尔 is a Senior Instructor for the Department of Agricultural Sciences 和 was previously the 程序 Coordinator for the department. Dr. 巴尔目前是农业科学部主任. He became the director in 2013. Dr. Barr received his M.S.Ed. in Secondary Education teaching Agriculture from Northwest Missouri State University along with his Ed. S. 在教育领导,监督和中学校长. He completed his Ed. D. 在教育领导和政策分析通过密苏里大学. 他的学术和研究兴趣包括实验学习, 学生保留, 和 agricultural advocacy. At the state-level, Dr. 巴尔是密苏里州农业教育联合工作人员之一, 密苏里农业职业教师协会, 以及密苏里职业和技术教育协会.

Monday, October 12 | 4-5 p.m. | Valk 128


Donuts with the Director

Join the 荣誉项目 Director Dr. 艾丽莎福特和G.A. Bre克劳福德!

  • Learn more about the program
  • Ask any questions you have
  • Eat some FREE donuts!

October 3, 2022 | 5pm | Valk 90




Join the 荣誉项目 on the 14th of September, 2022年,以了解更多关于威尼斯人在线的教职员工 & 他们的研究. What is their current project? What is 他们的研究 process? How did they get started in that field?

Dr. 瑞克图副教授(自然科学)

瑞克图 is an Associate Professor of Chemistry at Northwest Missouri State University in Maryville, Missouri 和 serves as the advisor for the Gamma Sigma Epsilon National Chemistry Honor Society. 他毕业于Massachusetts College of Pharmacy 和 Health Sciences,获得学士学位.S. 化学与理科.S. in Chemistry along with attaining a Ph.D. in Chemistry from Br和eis University. Dr. Toomey has 31 years of experience in the chemistry department 和 teaches several courses on 和 off campus. 他的学术和研究兴趣包括化学教育, application of mathematics in science education, 和 laboratory revision. He is also a member of the American Chemical Society 和 the National Science Teachers Association.

Wednesday, September 14th | 4-5 p.m. | Valk 128


Donuts with the Director

Join the 荣誉项目 Director Dr. 艾丽莎福特和G.A. Bre克劳福德!

  • Learn more about the program
  • Ask any questions you have
  • Eat some FREE donuts!

August 29, 2022 | 5pm | Valk 90


爆米花和教授_Dr Tu


Join the 荣誉项目 on the 13th of April, 2022年,以了解更多关于威尼斯人在线的教职员工 & 他们的研究. What is their current project? What is 他们的研究 process? How did they get started in that field?

Dr. Cindy Zhiling Tu, 程序 Coordinator (MS-IS)

Dr. Cindy Zhiling Tu is an Associate Professor of Information Systems in the School of Computer Science 和 Information Systems at Northwest Missouri State University. She received her Ph.D. degree in Information Systems from DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University, 加拿大. She also has an MSc in Management Science, an M.B.A. in E-Business 和 Information Systems, an M.Eng in Computer Science, 和 a B.S. in Computer Science.

She has published research papers in peer-reviewed conference proceedings 和 journals such as Information & Management, Information & 计算机安全, 国际移动通信杂志, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Information Systems Education Journal, 和中西部信息系统协会杂志. 她的研究兴趣是在信息系统安全和隐私领域, 移动商务, technology acceptance 和 usage, 和 information systems.

她教授信息系统分析与设计等课程, Business Intelligence 和 Analytics, Cybersecurity 和 IS Security Management, Project Management in Business & 技术、企业网络、MIS顶点项目、实用数据评估等.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022 | 4-5 p.m. | Valk 128


Join the 荣誉项目 on the 2nd of March, 2022年,以了解更多关于威尼斯人在线的教职员工 & 他们的研究. What is their current project? What is 他们的研究 process? How did they get started in that field?

Dr. 文森特·P. Hustad,教练

Dr. 文斯Hustad, 威尼斯人在线生物学讲师, holds an ASA from Olney Central College, a BS emphasis in Botany with honors 和 an MS in Biological Sciences from Eastern Illinois University, 和Ph值.D. 来自伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校的植物生物学专业. 他目前教授普通生物学讲座和实验, Principles of Biology lab, 动物学实验室, 高级研讨会, 和, when the mycelium gods smile upon him, 真菌学. Dr. Hustad has several peer-reviewed publications in national 和 international mycological journals, 主要集中于地舌真菌类地舌菌的系统分类.

Dr. Hustad的研究让他跑遍了美国, 加拿大, 哥斯达黎加, 英国, 和新西兰. Dr. 赫斯塔德已经命名并描述了科学上的几个新菌种和属. Dr. Hustad的研究兴趣包括真菌和地衣的多样性, fungal evolution 和 systematics (focusing on earth tongues 和 Leotiomyctes sensu lato), 和 fungal symbioses.

Wednesday, March 2nd | 4-5 p.m. | Valk 128

Donuts with the Director

Join the 荣誉项目 Director Dr. 艾丽莎福特和G.A. 罗宾逊Oturugbum!

  • Learn more about the program
  • Ask any questions you have
  • Eat some FREE donuts!

     当: Tuesday, February 8, 2022, 5 p.m.
    地点: Valk 90



Join the 荣誉项目 on the 3rd of February to learn more about Northwest's faculty members & 他们的研究. What is their current project? What is 他们的研究 process? Hod did they get started in that field?

Dr. 凯西·阿宾顿,经济学副教授

Dr. 凯西阿宾顿, 威尼斯人在线经济学副教授, 持有一个M.B.A. from the University of Central Missouri 和Ph值.D. in Economics from Kansas State University. She currently teaches Survey of Economics, Principles of Macroeconomics, 劳动经济学, 和 Managerial Economics. She is the recipient of the Governor's Award for Excellence in Education 和 Faculty Excellence Awards for Teaching 和 Research. Dr. Abington has peer-reviewed publications, 和 her research interests are labor economics, 经济增长, 人力资本, 和 the economics of education. 

Dr. Abington is passionate about making a difference by providing students with tools that will help make them more knowledgeable 和 productive citizens.

Thursday, February 3 | 4-5 p.m. | Valk 128


Join the 荣誉项目 on the 25th of October to learn more about Northwest's faculty members & 他们的研究. What is their current project? What is 他们的研究 process? Hod did they get started in that field?

Dr. Ethan Bottone, a historical Geographer

Dr. Ethan Bottone是威尼斯人在线地理学助理教授. 他是一名训练有素的历史地理学家,对旅游、流动性和种族感兴趣 .他的论文研究探讨了绿皮书的景观和交通网络, 吉姆·克劳时代的旅游指南,由黑人旅行者开发和使用. He is particularly interested in "tourist homes," private homes 和 apartments rented to travelers, that were listed within the Green Book, as these spaces represented a very personal form of resistant hospitality to the pervasive injustices of institutional white supremacy.

另外,博士. 波顿对其他形式的“公正”旅游很感兴趣, 包括无障碍旅游和土著遗产. 他发表过同行评议的期刊文章,如《威尼斯人在线》, Jim Crow Journey Stories, National Discourses Materialized. In 2021, he has had at least 12 citations in his research work 和 a total of 30 citations for his research activities.

Monday, October 25 | 4-5 p.m. | Valk 129


Join the 荣誉项目 on the 6th of October to learn more about Northwest's faculty members & 他们的研究. What is their current project? What is 他们的研究 process? Hod did they get started in that field?

Dr. Chase O'Gwin, Theoretical Psychologist

Dr. Chase O'Gwin is an assistant professor 和 also the coordinator of the General Psychology program at Northwest. 他在过去的十年里一直在研究恐怖心理学, writing his Master's thesis on the relationship between personality variables 和 horror genre 订婚 和 his dissertation on the qualitative experience of the horror fan as viewed through the psychoanalytic framework of Jacques Lacan. Dr. O'Gwin发表了关于怪异小说的本质和不可言喻的作品, 他在恐怖片方面的专长曾被《威尼斯人在线》杂志报道过, has presented his work on horror to more than a dozen national 和 international psychological conferences 和 is currently co-authoring a book with Palgrave Press on the role of race in horror. He has also published work in parapsychology, exploring apparition experiences created in a laboratory 和 recently co-authored a book with Routledge, exploring the implications of recent social justice movements 和 their implications for subjectivity as viewed from the lens of theoretical 和 philosophical psychology

Wednesday, October 6 | 4-5 p.m. | Valk 129
